I'm very excited to announce that my work on Golem has finally started. Golem is my first long story, something between 23 and 25 episodes total, for approximately 500 pages.
First episode out on Pic Nic N°1, end of april 2010.
"Golem", original story by LRNZ, future concept and background scripting by Emanuele Sabetta, screenplay by Daniele Capuano and Alessandro Caroni, art by LRNZ.
LRNZ designed this logo/mascotte for THE international Anime event, in collaboration with BANDAI, Shueisha, Studio Pierrot, SONY ANIPLEX, Toei Animation, TV Tokyo and Sunrise.
The first and official live event made and performed by the Japanese creators of the famous Manga and Anime series WORLD PREMIERE – PARIS, Zénith - October 2010 The Greatest SHOW OF MANGA & ANIME ever conceived in the World. JAPAN ANIME LIVE is an extraordinary event that brings live on stage the “all-star” of the world of Japanese animation such as NARUTO-SHIPPUDEN, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD, BLEACH, ONE PIECE and GUNDAM Series. A unique show for the first time on tour in Europe. JAPAN ANIME LIVE is a mix of live action, live recitation, special stories, flamboyant effects and live music to sing along with the public the original theme songs of the TV series. JAPAN ANIME LIVE is a fast paced POP OPERA that puts into reality a world of fantasy and its heroes. A time-space gate that connects the fans with the dream world of Anime. A “must-attend” event for all cosplayers and Japanese pop culture lovers in general. JAPAN ANIME LIVE is what you will never watch on TV: in fact all animations and stories have been re-created and re-edited exclusively for the show and what’s more, they contain hidden facts about the stories of the beloved Anime characters. Over two and half hours of breathtaking show, divided into five chapters, each one devoted to an animated series, dynamically orchestrated by a script that combines all the different elements of the show. All contents featured in JAPAN ANIME LIVE are licensed and created by Aniplex, Toei Animation, Sunrise, Pierrot, TV Tokyo and Shueisha, which are the major Japanese Anime-maker companies.
Ratigher is in Molise to work hard on two new, fast and bloody stories! "sbadiglio nero", for the upcoming Hobby Comics 3 and the first episode of "moto purgatorio", out in April on Pic Nic, the first free comics magazine of the universe! Both out at Comicon, in Naples. Purgatory it's Ratigher muse.
Dopo i bagordi di Bilbolbul Ratigher è andato in ritiro nell'aspro Molise per fare i fumetti. Di seguito trovate un po di bozze e tavole prodotte nell'eremo di Campomarino. Prima di tutto la storia perHobby Comics 3, in uscita al Comicon di Napoli. Il titolo di codesta avventura, ambientata in purgatorio, è SBADIGLIO NERO, in omaggio a Cornell Woolrich.
ecco tutte le tavole
i famosi caratteri a blocchi di Ratigher, più un fregio misterioso
troverete della violenza tra maschi nudi e mascherati
Da qui in poi invece un'anteprima di MOTO PURGATORIO (il concetto va ribadito), la nuova e velocissima serie d'azione che vedrà la luce sulle pagine di Pic Nic, anch'esso in uscita al Comicon di Napoli. MOTO PURGATORIO racconterà di gare di motociclette smodate e vedrà il ritorno sulla scena di Bimbo Fango!
Questo sarà il primo avversario da battere. Ha una scomoda ma elegante cicatrice sulla faccia.